Saturday 3 April 2010

What do people think of AR?

I spoke about augmented reality and Articulated Naturality to a friend of mine who works at a major gaming company. He said "All the AR stuff is very interesting - very curious to see how it
evolves... It's all a bit niche so far but I can see how there could be some really useful and fun applications."

Its a good summary of the general attitude to AR outside the fanboy culture.

Those in the industry can see the possibilities and some people can see the potential but perhaps a generation burned by the dotcom boom and bust are more cynical about new technology.

To the uninformed public consciousness augmented reality is an iceberg with a tiny tip they can see. The huge mass of research and specialised product development that's been going on for the last 30 years and has accelerated in the last decade as the realisation of virtual continuum
consumer technology quickened represents the unseen mass. Those who can see the whole iceberg can see a positive collision with the Titanic that will create a wealth of "really useful and fun applications."

The state of play today is "a bit niche" for the majority of AR applications and most of the world outside the US. For many reasons they've been the earliest mass-adopters of AR technology. The UK is far behind as it was with the dotcom revolution which is why my friend's
view may be different from a Californian's.

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