Sunday 21 March 2010

AN, signs and food

In the Articulated Naturality Web information can be hidden from the real world for reasons of aesthetics and minimalism or for covert signs accessible to a limited user group.

Simple examples are menus available through viewing the restaurant through the phone view rather than placed at every table or displayed on the wall. Linking with electronic information means the menu can have more information. Currently its just the name and price of a dish
however many people would be interested in the nutritional content to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. People with special dietary requirements either by their own choice or through a medical condition can see just the items that meet their needs.

The outernet information opportunity provided by the addition and logging of nutrition information at eating establishments means everyone can check they are getting the nutrition
they need to lead a happy, healthy and long life. It can also help doctors identify causes of illness through accessing the food log offering new opportunities for accurate diagnosis.

The opportunity for additional information tailored to the user available through AN devices is an exciting prospect for the consumer movement. People who only eat locally-sourced or organic food can automate their shopping and reduce the effort it takes to find establishments that serve their needs, and this can extend to other products.

Often new innovations in captialist cultures require organic growth to succeed (whereas socialist paradigms can use inorganic, centrally-driven change) but for early adopters it can be a poor experience, for example a new payment system with low uptake or a new type of fuel with few fuel stations will inhibit the consumer experience. The ANW will enable the convenience of being guided to the retailers and suppliers who support the new service and bypass the nightmare of
searching for a vendor. The integration with navigation software, the overlay of footprints or directional arrows and the indexing of vendors and product variables will create a digital guide that whisks the shopper to their perfect purchase.

Another small benefit of AN signs is interior designers can be freed from the aesthetic nightmare that signs create once all their prospective customers are using AN-capable devices. Everything will exist in the virtual world of the ANW and spaces are free to be formed as a beautiful aesthetic experience.

The AN sign may create a new role for AN sign designers. The sign is a small display of important informaton. In the real world clarity and visual impact are key strengths and these will be continued to the ANW sign. In the ANW the opportunity for additional, relevant content is the new arena where specialists will provide both the creativity to apply new sorts of
information that influence buyer choice and tailor the content so it is relevant, easy and intuitive to access as well as memorable in innovative ways. AN designers will create beautiful signs in the unfettered digital world where clutter can disappear at a click and relevant information appear at another. The AN designer will have the benefit of interactivity to engage potential customers longer than a typical sign in the non-AN internet or real world.

The covert application of AN signage has exciting and perhaps sinister potential. Its not an expectation that a future technology will only be used for good purposes. Its something I will expound on in a later post.

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