Saturday 20 March 2010

Articulated Naturality Gaming

AR gaming has seen the first major successes of desktop AR with Sony Playstation games like The Eye of Judgement which premiered as far back as 2007. This used a matt and special cards with a matrix printed on for recognition by the software. Mobile AR gaming was the
next step and 2009 saw a few interesting games from cutting edge developers but nothing took the burgeoning market. Games Alfresco hosted a poll last year to discern the early adopter's game of choice and this gives an idea of the state of the industry last year.

Articulated Naturality gaming is a step beyond these basic implementations and its maturation will see AN gaming become the raison d'etre of smartphones and a significant factor in the mass-takeup of virtual continuum technologies. The First Person Shooter game immediately lends itself to AN. Social network gaming, one of the unexpected successes of the growth in social network platform use, will have a new dimension of interactivity and immedicacy through the new dimension of physicality and proximity. Edutainment applications will become empowered by interactivity with 3D objects hanging in the real world space. Location-data and movement sensig presents lots of opportunities for turning back the clock on multiplayer gaming so it
returns to physical spaces and children once again run around outside A future version of Tomb Raider in the future may see it played in local cities with puzzles leading to clues that get Lara to the next level or. Combined with social network platforms it won't be long before communters on the train connect with other passengers to place racing, puzzle or other games to pass the time.

These simple examples elucidate on the potential but its likely that a new gaming concept only available through AN-capable devices and platforms will be the 'killer application'. It may be through adult or children's treasure hunt or puzzle games reinvented for the ANW. Predicting the fad is the job of seers and sages but the creativity already shown in the AR gaming industry will mean the must-have AN game will be here sooner than thought possible.

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